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Razpis zbiranja prispevkov za tematsko številko Tribune

Ljubljana, 25/09/2016 - 16:15

Razpis zbiranja prispevkov

Tematska številka študentskega časopisa Tribuna

Naslovna tema: Maj 1968

Dogodki maja 1968 so še danes aktualna tema, ki še vedno buri duhove. Zbiramo prispevke, ki obravnavajo teoretske tokove, povezane s tem obdobjem, konkretne dogodke, ki jih je treba obravnavati v širšem zgodovinskem kontekstu, vpliv, ki so ga dogodki imeli na takratno in kasnejše študentsko organiziranje, skratka vse, kar je neposredno ali posredno povezano s takratnim časom.

Formalne omejitve prispevkov:

  • citiranje po Chicago Manual of Style (dostopno preko povezave;
  • pisava (Times New Roman), velikost pisave (12), razmik med vrsticami (1,5);
  • zgornja omejitev 6 strani (1 stran = pribl. 1900 znakov s presledki).

Prispevki se zbirajo do nedelje, 6. 11. 2016, ob polnoči, in sicer na e-naslovu Tematska številka bo izšla predvidoma v začetku decembra. Na voljo smo vam za nadaljnja navodila in odgovore na vprašanja, ki bi jih morda imeli pred začetkom pisanja.

Prispevki bodo honorirani.


Več o Tribuni si preberi na


Call for papers

Thematic issue of the student newspaper Tribuna

Topic: May 1968

Events surrounding May 1968 appear to be a topic that is still very much in the spotlight and still stirs debate even today. We are interested in contributions covering various theoretical approaches associated with the month, specific events as observed in a wider historical context, the impact the events had on contemporary and later student organizing, in short, in everything that is directly or indirectly connected with that time.

The formal constraints of contributions:

1. citation according to the Chicago Manual of Style, available at:;

2. font (Times New Roman), font size (12), line spacing (1.5);

3. limit of 6 pages (1 page = approx. 1900 characters incl. spaces).

Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, 6th of November 2016 at midnight and should be sent to the e-mail address The thematic issue is expected to be released in early December. We will gladly provide further instructions as well as answers to any questions you may have before starting to write.

Contributions will be paid.